Last Sunday, October 30, Holy Trinity held an open house for parishioners, donors, and members of the community to come and view the newly remodeled church. The church was open from 10 am-2 pm where members of the project were on hand to answer any questions about the new look of Holy Trinity. There was also a slide show of the R & R project and refreshments in the hall for all to enjoy as well. The open house saw a great turnout.

Fr. Hunter not only celebrated the Open House on Sunday, but also his birthday!

Various parishioners gather around a slide show presentation that detailed the R & R project from its humble beginnings to the final result.

Travis Norville stands next to a 'before' picture of the interior of Holy Trinity during the Open House. Travis painted all 14 Stations of the Cross himself and did a remarkable, beautiful job.

Nancy Mateer packages leftover cookies after the Open House ends.