The Holy Trinity Calendar is almost ready for sale! The calendar will make its debut August 1 at the Steak Dinner. The 12 month calendars are selling for $20 each and include a set of stained glass windows as the picture for every month, a short description of the meaning behind the windows, and a prayer. Also, important Holy Trinity dates will be marked in the calendar such as ARS meeting times, saint's birthdays, First Communion, annual fish fry, etc. These calendars would make perfect Christmas gifts for friends and family memebers! Also for sale at the Steak Dinner will be the card box set of the stained glass windows and Rada knives. If you will not be able to attend the Steak Dinner and would like a calendar, email Bev Henn at holytrinity@consolidated.net.
Meredith has done a GREAT job with this blog-please tell all family and friends to check it out-it is amazing and please post-our church is small but when something needs done, everyone pulls together to get it done.