Mass: Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
Father Alan Hunter and Deacon Ray Roth
Stonington, Illinois

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

40 Bags in 40 Days

Still don't know what your Lenten resolution is going to be? The ladies of the Altar and Rosary Society have a good idea. They are encouraging the act of "40 bags in 40 days." It's a simple practice that anyone can do and is a rewarding Lenten sacrifice. This simple idea is a committment to rid your house, car, garage, etc. of items you don't need and place all the things in a bag to either give away to charity or dispose of. The 40 bags can be small or large, depending on your needs. Some items that you could think about 'bagging' are: cloths, shoes, books, toys, candles, canned goods, blankets, and coats. This is a great way to get rid of all the excess in your life. Lent is a time to celebrate the only true gift in your life, the gift of God's love.

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